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Library History

​The Star Valley community has always valued literature.  From its founding in 1878, Star Valley focused on promoting literacy.  The public library was the fourth building constructed in the town, after the church, the jail, and the post office.  It is not surprising that when Star Valley's first  high school was built in 1901, the school board wanted the mascot to be the Tome.


The original Star Valley High School Library served students for 82 years before the entire high school was rebuilt on an adjacent property where it currently resides today. Once again, the library is located at the center of the school.  The library, along with the commons and cafeteria, comprises the body of the star-shaped building, with the five spokes serving as the academic wings.  The entrance to the school, including the administrative and attendence offices, juts out from the top spoke, while the gym is linked to the southwest spoke via an enclosed, glass walkway.


The library's open architecture and natural lighting from skylights promotes an inviting atmosphere that students love to congregate in on a daily basis.  The 50 computer stations and the 25 work tables provides plenty of room for students to work on individual or group projects.  Displays throughout the library highlight the "Genre of the Month," and students get excited to view the rotating display.

About the Library

Computer Access

Copier Printer
Old Study

Friendly librarians to assist you with your educational, informational, recreational needs


Library Services


Books to take you to wherever you want to go

Far Away Land Poster

Research Articles

Study Space (minus coffee)

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screen and keyboard

The Librarians


Stella Libre has worked for Star Valley High School since 1978.  Being a school librarian has been her one and only job, the job she dreamed of having since she was six years old.  She bravely ushered the school into the new technological era and has worked diligently at promoting library use among students.


Marci Gibbens has worked for Star Valley High School for two years.  A former English teacher, Mrs. Gibbens loves to read and to help students develop their love of reading and writing.  Shortly after joining the staff as a librarian, Mrs. Gibbens developed a Writing Center in the libary.  The Writing Center serves students before and after school, during seminar, and during scheduled class times. 

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